Sunday, August 30, 2009

Good Morning!!!!

I say good Morning all day long. It is something I discovered while on my mission in Bolivia. It did 2 things for me:1- I am happier in the mornings, so tryign to convince myself it was morning in the afternoon when I really wanted to take a siesta due to the full tummy after lunch and the heat and humidity, any trick helped. 2-It was something that got people talking and broke the ice a little bit in the afternoon/evenings as people would correct me and then we would get to talking. It was a huge tool to get to talk with people that would never talk with us before.

I have since carried this over to my calling, and personal life. It is something simple, yet people remember it and I can break the ice with people fairly quickly and get to know them. Anyways here is something weird I do everyday. Now I tag Sally Forsgren, Andrea Baugh, Natalie Kempton, Rebecca Winder, and Spencer Uminski (yes Ariana I want Spencer to do it.).

I will be posting picutres in the next hour or 2. Rebecca is at a meeting and I am not as talented as she is to do mulitple things at once. We love you all.


Becky said...

lol--that last paragraph made me laugh. What is the tag exactly? Nice story...never heard that yet though.

Ariana said...

Jeff, I will try to get Spencer to do it, even though I just noticed I was suppose to have him do it. Sorry!